Xiaomi has confirmed that it is going to launch its Redmi 9i smartphone in India on September 15. The company has taken to Twitter to confirm through its Redmi India account the launch date of the handset. The tweet includes a microsite that Xiaomi has created on its website that reveals that the handset will be at least launched in a 4GB RAM variant. Also, it will run on MIUI 12 out of the box.
via ©Times Of India
Ringtone download: How to download ringtone online for free on mobile phone
People who have tried downloading ringtones would know that it is not an easy task. Due to copyright issues, there limited channels for ringtone download, and even the ones that are available are either not safe or have long, tedious processes. We are here to tell you how to download ringtones online for free on Android mobile phone with as few clicks as possible. You could download any ringtone with the steps stated below, but it’s worth mentioning that much like any other download tool for YouTube videos, Instagram, and Facebook, among others, this is also not official. If caught using the downloaded ringtone for commercial purpose, without due credit, you may get in trouble. Now that we have clarified this crucial point, let’s look at how you can download best ringtones on mobile phones online for free. What is a mobile ringtone? Before we get down to the ringtone download process, you should know that a ringtone (or ring tone) is basically a short audio file that plays when a mo...
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