Genshin Impact continues to add a variety of characters and weapons to its roster. While the game remains to be playable with starting set of characters that you’re given for free, you might want to get the other characters and weapons to improve your gameplay. Players can obtain these characters and weapons by ‘Wishing’ on different banners. That said, understanding the mechanics behind Wishing is one of the important aspects to consider if you want to efficiently utilise your Primogems. There is a lot to grasp here, so without further ado, let’s get started.
Genshin Impact banners

Gacha RPGs, which are akin to loot boxes in other games, usually have a wide cast of characters that players can obtain for their party to improve the gameplay. Players pull on the ‘banners’ to spend a certain amount of in-game currency, in an attempt to get their desired virtual item. Genshin Impact is similar in this sense. Players pull on the “Wish” banners to get their desired character or a weapon.
The game has three different Wish banners: Character Event Wish, Weapon Event Wish and Standard Wish. Character Event Wish is a time-limited character wish banner where the developer runs a specific character for a limited amount of time. After the banner expires players can no longer acquire the featured character until the developer brings it back in a rerun. The same goes for the Weapon Event Wish banner. Once the specific Weapon Event Wish expires, players have to wait for another rerun to obtain the featured weapon. On the other hand, the Standard Wish banner hosts the standard pool of characters and weapons that players can obtain at any time. This banner is not time-limited unlike the other two.
Best Genshin Impact banner
Character Event Wish banner is the best Genshin Impact banner if you want to get a specific five-star character. As mentioned above this Wish banner runs specific five-star characters for a limited amount of time. If the featured character is not available currently, you’ll need to wait for its rerun. Below are some of the best five-star character banners you can pull from. It is worth noting that each Character Event Wish banner includes four-star characters as well. You would need a total of 180 wishes to guarantee the featured five-star character and 10 wishes to obtain a four-star character.
1. Venti

Venti (Anemo) is regarded as the most powerful five-star unit among the players. He can create a vortex of wind that sucks the surrounding enemies in the air and continuously deals Anemo damage. The element Anemo is capable of absorbing the other elements. This makes Venti especially powerful as you can fire the vortex and mix other elements like Hydro, Electro, Pyro or others. Venti is also quite useful for Spyral Abysss setups that include a huge number of small enemies.
2. Ganyu

Ganyu (Cryo) is the next character who is quite popular among the players. Some players even go so far as to say she is the most powerful character available in Genshin Impact. Ganyu can deal a huge amount of Cryo damage with her charged bow shots and can create a Celestial Shower that continuously drops shards of ice on the enemies within the AoE (area of effect) to deal damage.
3. Zhongli

Zhongli (Geo) has got the best shield in the game, that’s what many veteran players like to think and they might just be right. He can create a Jade Shield made of Geo that is strong enough to withstand powerful enemy attacks. Additionally, he can also debuff the enemies letting you deal a greater amount of damage. If you want to breeze through the game, Zhongli might be worth considering.
4. Xiao

Xiao (Anemo) can plunge from mid-air to deal Anemo damage to the enemies along his path and upon the ground impact, deals AoE damage. Upon his burst ability, Xiao wears the Yaksha’s mask which greatly increases his jumping abilities and deals increased AoE and Anemo damage. His Passive Talent ‘Gravity Defier’ also decreases his party members’ climbing stamina by 20 percent.
5. Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun (Electro) is a great support character. When her Eye of Stormy Judgement is active, the Eye will unleash a coordinated attack towards the enemies along with the characters that deal Electro damage. Characters with this buff will also have their Elemental Burst damage increased based on the amount of Energy Recharge Raiden Shogun has. Her Passive Talent ‘Enlightened One’ will also help fill the Energy Recharge of the party members.
Genshin Impact Wish
To pull for the characters mentioned above or the characters of your choice you need Genshin Impact Wishes. The wishes can be purchased from Primogems – a type of in-game currency. Below is an explanation of how you can purchase Primogems.
How to purchase wishes in Genshin Impact
In Genshin Impact 160 Primogems is equal to one Wish. You can either purchase Intertwined Fate to pull on Character Event Wish or the Weapon Event Wish. You can also purchase another type of wish called Acquaint Fates to pull on the Standard banner.
Blessings of the Welkin Moon

Blessings of the Welkin Moon costs Rs 449 and gives 300 Genesis Crystals instantly and 2700 Primogems over 30 days. This is the most affordable way to get Primogems in Genshin Impact. This Primogem pack can be purchased multiple times. It is worth noting that a single Genesis Crystal can be converted to one Primogem. So a single purchase of Blessings of the Welkin Moon will get you a total of 3000 Primogems.
Crystal Top-Up

There are various Primogems packs you can purchase through the Crystal Top-Ups. For Instance, Rs 89 top-up will get you 60 Genesis Crystals, Rs 449 will get you 300 Genesis Crystals, Rs 1,299 will get you 980 Genesis Crystals, and more. The highest Genesis Crystals pack costs Rs 8,900 and contains 6,480 Genesis Crystals. Further Genshin Impact gives first-time buyers twice the amount of Genesis Crystals for any pack of your choosing.
How does Genshin Impact pity system work
Genshin Impact has various banners where players can attempt to get the characters and weapons they want. All three banners have different pull rates for the items. You would want to prioritise the event banners if you wish to obtain a specific character or a weapon. This will also help you utilise the Primogems efficiently. Below is an explanation of different Genshin Impact banners and their pity.
Character Event Banner

If you want to get a specific character, this is the banner you would want to pull on. Genshin Impact periodically runs specific characters for a limited amount of time. Every set of 90 wishes on this banner guarantees a five-star character and with each wish, there is a 0.6 percent chance to get a five-star character early. Additionally, there is a 50–50 chance to get the featured character in your first 90 pulls and if you don’t get the featured character, the next set of 90 wishes will get you the featured character. It is worth noting that, every set of 10 wishes also guarantees a four-star character. You either get one of the three featured four-star characters or any other four-star unit from the standard banner pool.
There is also a ‘soft pity’ where the game gives you a five-star character even before hitting the 90 wish threshold. Although, there is no official confirmation of the existence of the ‘soft pity’, according to many veteran players, the soft pity starts at the 76th wish and as you make further wishes, the chance of getting a five-star character early increases steeply. Many players claim they get a five-star character at around the 80th wish.
The pity also carries over to the other Character Event Wish banners. Let’s say, you do 89 wishes on the current character banner and the time-limited Character Event Wish expires, when the developers refresh it with a new character, the wish count carries over to this new banner. As you do your 90th pull you are guaranteed a five-star character. However, this wish count doesn’t carry over between different banners. For instance, the Character Event Wish and the Weapon Event Wish have their own wish counters.
Weapon Event Wish

Weapon Event Wish, as the name suggests, is used to get weapons. Although there is a chance to get a four-star character on this banner from the standard pool of characters, we recommend you don’t wish on this banner if you’re after the characters. Every set of 80 wishes guarantees a five-star weapon and if you don’t get one of the two featured weapons in the first 80 wishes, the next set of 80 wishes will guarantee you one of the featured five-star weapons. Every 10 wishes also guarantee a four-star item, either from the featured weapons or a random item from the standard banner pool.
Genshin Impact has also recently introduced a feature on the weapon banner where you select one of the featured weapons through the ‘Epitomised Path’ and start wishing on the banner. In the Epitomised Path, players need to select one of the featured weapons before they start wishing. If you don’t get the selected featured weapon in the first 80 wishes, you’ll accumulate ‘Fate Points’. Once you accumulate enough Fate Points, the next set of 80 wishes will grant you the selected five-star weapon. It is also worth noting that the accumulated Fate Points will expire after the current Weapon Event Wish ends.
Standard Banner

The Standard Wish banner contains the standard pool of characters. It operates on the same pity system as the Character Event Banner. It is worth noting that you won’t get any time-limited banner characters or weapons on this banner. There is a selected pool of five-star characters and weapons and you have the chance to get one of them in 90 wishes.
Where to find a wish simulator for Genshin Impact?
There are several third-party Wish simulators available for Genshin Impact including on the web, Android and iOS app stores. You can try this popular wish simulator. This will give you an overall idea of how all this wishing system works.
The post Genshin Impact Banner, Wish, Pity explained: What are they, best Genshin Impact banners, and more first appeared on 91mobiles.com.
via ©91 Mobiles
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