Top 5 Things To Know Before You Play Battlefield 2042 - Sourin Mitra & Teams Blog



الجمعة، 28 يناير 2022

Top 5 Things To Know Before You Play Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 is the most recent update in the popular FPS series of Battlefield. This version contains some of the major alterations. To conquer matches on this version, you have to make necessary changes in your playstyle.

If you are a new player, these few features can overwhelm you. This article will bring you the 5 most important things you must know before you jump into the world of Battlefield 2042. These tips will polish your gaming skills and help you take down Battlefield veterans.

5 most important things everyone should know

1. Stay focused on the objective

Everyone plays to win. In Battlefield 2042, everyone wants to win the match. Only when you complete the objective will you win the round. Whether you are in the defending team or the attacking team, your sole aim must be to achieve your objective. In Battlefield 2042, either you have to defend your territory or attack the opponent’s territory.

So, always stay focused on your goal. If you feel confused, you can check the map and plan your next move between the games. Thankfully, in Battlefield 2042, you can complete your objective in different ways by using the Portal. By manipulating the Battlefield Portal, you can spice up a game more.

2. Practice shooting with different guns

You will get great snipers in Battlefield 2042. But it is all about practice. Each gun works differently. So, every player is advised to practice shooting before jumping into the actual game. If you are playing with a long-range gun, you should know its bullet drop.

Battlefield 2042 offers you a real-life fighting experience, so your bullet will not go straight when you are shooting a long-distance target. Following the law of physics, the bullet will drop gradually. So, if you want to aim for a perfect headshot, always aim higher than the actual target. The bullets go a little right for some guns while others will go straight.

So, practice on a wall to study the loadout of different guns before you start the actual game. You cannot achieve perfect aiming overnight. One needs to undergo the trial and error method to reach ultimate perfection. You will find more hacks and tricks on shooting from the internet. You can always buy these battlefield 2042 hacks and take their maximum advantage.

3. Stay aware of the snipers.

When you are moving around the map, there is a high chance of getting attacked by snipers. Be sure that some sniper is aiming at you whenever you see a glint at a distance. Most players try to shoot back, which is a wrong step. Always remember covering yourself must be your first concern throughout the game.

So, dodge their bullets until you find a cover. Move randomly so that snipers fail to hit you. As we all know, hitting a target that is moving fast is very difficult even for pro players. So, move in a zigzag manner or slide around the map to avoid shots. When you move unpredictably, snipers will fail to land any successful headshots.

4. Keep explosives handy

In older Battlefield versions, explosives were reserved for engineer and support class. But in Battlefield 2042, there is no class system to use any explosives. Vehicles play a great role in Battlefield 2042. Unlike other versions, you can now get a vehicle by pressing a few buttons anytime, anywhere.

So, every player must keep some explosives at hand to take down approaching vehicles. You can use C5 sticky explosive, which gets stuck to any surface. To use it, you must aim and pull the trigger.

5. Use the map and environment for your benefit

Using the map is also important if you want to win all rounds. Whenever you are getting attacked, staying undercover is the smartest decision. You can use anything from the map as your cover. This can be a tree, a rock, or a hole inside the ground.

Moreover, staying on the high ground will give you a better view of your opponents. So, use the environment to your advantage and survive longer.


These are the five most important things that every player must know before joining the world of Battlefield 2042. You can plan better only after understanding the true nature of this game. So, bear all these things in mind while playing. You can also check the internet for more useful tips and tricks on Battlefield 2042. Last but not least, this is one of the most adventurous games available currently in the market, so have fun and keep playing.

via ©GadgetsBeat.

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