Samsung leads phone shipments in Q3 2021, chip shortage results in market decline: Canalys - Sourin Mitra & Teams Blog



السبت، 16 أكتوبر 2021

Samsung leads phone shipments in Q3 2021, chip shortage results in market decline: Canalys

  • Samsung retained the top spot in smartphone shipments, followed by Apple, Xiaomi, Vivo and OPPO, respectively
  • Apple managed to jump from third position in Q3 2020 to second position in Q3 2021.
  • Due to global chip shortage, the market shipments declined year-on-year during Q3 2021

Smartphone shipments declined 6 percent year-on-year during the July-September period due to the ongoing chip shortage worldwide, as per the new report from market research firm Canalys. If you’ve been following tech news, this should not come as a surprise as Bloomberg recently reported that even Apple, one of the largest tech companies in the world, would not be able to produce as many units of iPhone 13 as originally planned due to the global chip shortage. As per the Canalys report, the chip shortage is not expected to ease up well into 2022. This means that the tough times for the smartphone manufacturers are far from over and that “customers should expect smartphone discounting this year to be less aggressive,” the report says.

Canalys smartphone market share

Talking about the smartphone shipments in Q3 2021, Samsung managed to lead the smartphone shipments, retaining the 23 percent market share from July-September 2020. Samsung was followed by Apple, which managed to increase its market share from 12 percent in last year’s third quarter to 15 percent in Q3 2021. Xiaomi, which was at second position with 14 percent market share in Q3 2020, retained its market share in Q3 2021 but thanks to Apple’s share gain, slipped down to the third position. Vivo and OPPO (OnePlus shipments included) managed to come behind Xiaomi, both with 10 percent market share in Q3 2021 quarter, compared with 9 percent in Q3 2020.

It is hard to say how much the chip shortage will impact different smartphone manufacturers but as of now, it is clear that the industry as a whole has been impacted and it will need some time to recover before it can go full throttle again. Considering that OPPO shipments now include the share from OnePlus, we can expect OPPO to climb these charts soon as well.

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