COVID vaccine centres near me: How to find COVID vaccination centre near me using Google Maps, Cowin, and more - Sourin Mitra & Teams Blog



الاثنين، 14 يونيو 2021

COVID vaccine centres near me: How to find COVID vaccination centre near me using Google Maps, Cowin, and more

  • COVID vaccination drive in India is underway
  • You can find nearby COVID vaccination centre using Google Maps, Cowin portal, MapmyIndia, and WhatsApp
  • COVID vaccine pre-registration is compulsory for people between 18 and 44 years

COVID vaccine centres near me: COVID vaccine centres can be found using Google Maps as well as WhatsApp, the Cowin portal, and MapMyIndia. All these platforms will guide you on how to find COVID vaccination centre near you for a jab. The COVID vaccination drive in India is underway for everyone over 18 years. We have already talked about how to book COVID vaccination slot as well as how to download COVID vaccine certificate. Now, we tell you how to find a government and private COVID vaccine centre near you so that you can book a slot at the closest centre and there early for your dose. Before we get down to that, here’s what you need to know:

  • COVID vaccine is free for everyone at government hospitals, while at a private facility, it’s been capped at Rs 1,410 and Rs 780 per dose for Covishield and Covaxin respectively. Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine will cost Rs 1,145 per dose in private hospitals.
  • There will be no on-site registration for people in the 18-45 years of age group. They will have to register online for inoculation via Cowin or Aarogya Setu app. Here’s how to register for COVID vaccine
  • Those aged 45 years and above can avail the facility of on-site registration to get vaccinated

Read more: COVID vaccine registration for 18+: how to register online, price, eligibility, and more

How to find COVID vaccine centre using Google Maps

Google Maps has been the go-to navigation platform for years now. It can also be used to find the nearby COVID centre. Here’s how:

covid vaccine centre near me
Details of covid vaccine centre are available on Google maps
  • Fire up Google Maps app or web page –> allow the platform to access your location
  • Search ‘COVID vaccination centre near me’ or any other variant of the search
  • A list of hospitals providing vaccination will pop up on your screen
  • It’ll show you the distance from your location to the Covishield/ Covaxin vaccine centre, along with direction, availability, documents required, and other details.

As stated above, citizens in the 18-44 age group will have to register on CoWin or Aarogya app to get vaccinated. There will be no walk-in facilities.

How to find COVID vaccine centre using Cowin website

Apart from registration, Cowin portal can also be used to find nearby Covaxin and Covishield vaccine centres. To do so:

Covid registration
Find your nearest vaccination centre using COWIN portal
  • Go to Cowin website:
  • Scroll down until you see ‘Find Your Nearest Vaccination Center’ (both private and governent)
  • ‘Enter place/ address/ eLoc’ in the dialogue box or select the ‘Current location’ option. The latter will use your location to find the nearest COVID 19 centre
  • Choose ‘Go’ to see the search results
  • The list of hospitals administering vaccines will appear on your screen
  • The nearest one will be right on top. Select ‘Get Direction’ for navigation

How to find COVID vaccine centre via MapmyIndia

  • COVID vaccine centre information is also available via MapmyIndia app/ website
  • The app is available for download on both Android and iOS devices
  • It works the same way as Google Maps
  • Sign in and type in ‘COVID vaccine centre near me’ in the search box
  • Select the hospital nearest to you to get the direction details

How to find COVID vaccine centre near me using WhatsApp

Covid vaccine centre information is also available on WhatsApp.
  • The information about the nearest COVID vaccine centre (both private and governent) is also available through WhatsApp. The social messaging platform is using the MyGov Corona Helpdesk chatbot to offer this service.
  • In order to find out nearby COVID 19 centre for vaccination, save Government of India’s MyGov Corona Helpdesk number +919013151515 number on your mobile phone
  • Head to WhatsApp and use the search option to find the saved MyGov Corona Helpdesk contact
  • Send “Namaste” to the MyGov Corona Helpdesk WhatsApp number. The chatbot will now show you a list of services that it offers and it will ask you to choose an option from the list of services, including “COVID Vaccination – Centres and Authentic Information”
  • Now, send “1” to the MyGov Corona Helpdesk to select “COVID Vaccination – Centres and Authentic Information”. It will show you another list of services. The first service will be named “COVID Vaccination – Centres Related Information,” which is the one you will have to select next.
  • Send “1” once again to the MyGov Corona Helpdesk to select “COVID Vaccination – Centres Related Information.” The WhatsApp chatbot will now ask you to enter the PIN code of your location.
  • Send your PIN code to MyGov Corona Helpdesk. For example, if your PIN code is 110049, send “110049” to the WhatsApp chatbot.
  • The MyGov Corona Helpdesk will now show you the list of COVID vaccination centres available in your area if there are any.


Private vaccine centre

covid private vaccine centre

The COVID vaccine government and private centre details are available on the Cowin portal. For that, register with your mobile number and select your district/ enter your pin code. A list of nearby vaccination centre details will appear on your screen. The ones with the paid tag means that they are private COVID vaccine centres. Alternatively, you can filter the results by selecting paid or free under the ‘Cost’ section.

Covishield vaccine centre/ Covaxin vaccine centre

This information is also available on the Cowin portal. You’ll have to register to see the nearby Covishield vaccine centre/ covaxin vaccine centre details.

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via ©91 Mobiles

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