This website will notify you whenever Covid vaccine slots for 18+ open up on Cowin portal - Sourin Mitra & Teams Blog



الاثنين، 3 مايو 2021

This website will notify you whenever Covid vaccine slots for 18+ open up on Cowin portal

  • is a Covid vaccine slot notifier.
  • The website will notify you whenever a vaccination slot opens on Cowin portal for 18+.
  • The website requires your name, email ID, district, and phone number.

Covid vaccination registration for 18+ opened up in India on Wednesday, April 28th through the Cowin portal and Aarogya Setu app. As expected, both the portals crashed due to server issues. From May 1st, Covid vaccination began for all over 18 years of age. However, finding a slot on the Cowin portal has proved to be challenging for everyone. Due to the number of people constantly looking for slots at every moment, many centres are getting booked in a matter of minutes. Luckily, there is a website that allows you to get notified whenever a vaccination slot opens up on the Cowin website. This website is called

Freshworks product manager Shyam Sunder along with three of his friends (Azhar Hussai, Akshay Nautiyal, and Anurag Kishore) created the website, which is a Cowin vaccine slot notifier. The website is pretty straightforward in that you register yourself with your name, email ID, and phone number (optional). You also need to select the district you reside in so that you can receive notifications regarding available slots at vaccine centres in your area.

According to Shyam Sunder, people will receive an instant notification on their email IDs whenever a vaccination slot for 18+ is open on the Cowin website. As of now, SMS support is unavailable but the website reveals that it will be coming soon. Additionally, the website assures that your data will not be shared or sold to anyone.

The website looks to be a convenient tool for people who are eager to book a slot through the Cowin portal but have been unable to do so. However, it seems due to the website’s increasing popularity, there have been some ongoing technical issues that’s causing the makers of to pause email notifications. We have reached out to Shyam Sunder for more details regarding the website and its services.

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