How To Create Fascinating Social Media Videos For Brand Awareness & Business Outreach - Sourin Mitra & Teams Blog



السبت، 29 أكتوبر 2022

How To Create Fascinating Social Media Videos For Brand Awareness & Business Outreach

Social media platforms are flourishing, and people use these strong channels to connect with friends, and family members, share videos and gain insights into businesses. 

Video marketing is rampant in social media and is considered a powerful mode to inform people about a brand, business, products, and services and the kind of customer service an organization can provide.

Social media marketing is the ideal solution and a powerful video distribution channel for well-optimized and compelling business videos.

What Is Social Media Video Marketing?

Businesses create video content to market their products and services and target audiences on social media platforms. These channels are almost perfect for engaging your audience with your brand and promoting their e-commerce brands. 

Social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube are great for promoting your business.

Video Is More Important Than Ever

Video marketing is a massive arena, and there is so much you can learn and do daily. The number of online shoppers has exceeded 2 billion, and most of them do their research online before making a purchase. 

According to research:

88% of businesses use YouTube for posting marketing videos, 68% of video marketers use LinkedIn, 29% use Twitter, 68% use Instagram video, 65% use Facebook, 33% use TikTok, and 46% use webinars to promote their businesses online

73% of consumers prefer watching a short video, 11% prefer text-based articles, 4% view infographics, 3% download e-books or manuals, and 3% attend meetings.

88% say that watching a brand’s video led them to buy a product or service.

Effective marketing requires getting your message to the right place, at the right time, and through the right channel. 

Why Do You Need Social Media Video Marketing Strategy?

Today your closest competitors are utilizing compelling video content to reach their target audience through social media. Here are some reasons you need to join the league:

Videos Transform Leads into Sales

A good promotional or business-related video informs, persuades, and entertains the audience. Consumers can see the real face behind the brand, which strengthens their connection to the product or service.

And since the video is the fastest way to get information, it ensures engagement with your target market. 

Videos Build Trust

Trust is an integral part of any business; you need a video to maintain and build a strong relationship with your customers. You need to relate to the customer to help build the business with a proper marketing strategy.

You can maintain transparency with your viewers by:

  • Showing them what’s happening in your workplace
  • Introducing viewers to your leaders and working culture
  • Showing them how you make products
  • Introducing your employees and the talent that your business has
  • Presenting testimonials from satisfied customers.

Having this content increases your brand visibility and influences audiences.

Videos Are Ubiquitous

You will see people carrying their smartphones and watching videos everywhere you go. Mobile watch time has increased, and with the advent of Bluetooth spacers, customers love to consume content anytime, anywhere. 

So, you can generate more leads and attract more prospects to your business by creating branded videos.

Videos Are Great Content for Social Media

Social media users today tend to like, comment, and share video content. Using different platforms, everyone can easily express their opinion. 

So, it’s no surprise why videos have such a powerful impact on your audience. 

Create amazing videos for social media to generate leads and turn them into loyal customers.

Social Media Video Marketing Campaign Strategy

You must develop a social media video marketing strategy to stay connected with your carefully built followers.

Understand Your Objectives and Know Your Audience

You must understand what your business needs and how you can put it across through videos – is it a promotion of a new product, or is it about getting more subscribers? 

Your objective becomes the key frame of your video. 

You also need to understand your target audience’s weaknesses, needs, and desires well.

Plan Your Video Content

Decide what kind of content you want for the public. Plan your content considering who you’re targeting, what message you’re trying to convey, and how you’re trying to get it across. 

You must:

  • Decide what kind of video you want to make
  • Create scripts and storyboards
  • Get the right equipment and assign responsibilities

Align Your Video with Your Social Media Ecommerce Marketing Goals

When sharing videos on social media, analyze what your overall goals are. Be careful not to over-promote, as it can drive your followers away. 

Create a story and put it across to your viewers or integrate the social media on the website, not with the intent to sell, but to capture the audience’s attention toward your brand

Remove Fluff When Editing

When you create a video, you cannot post the raw version – you need effective tools like an online video editor to edit the fluff and present your video professionally to your viewers. 

The first few seconds are very important as it is the time it takes for the viewer to decide if the video is worth their time.

Do the Necessary Testing

Check your data and see what kind of videos get the maximum engagement, clicks, likes, comments, and shares. 

Don’t forget to reply to consumer comments and answer questions if asked on social media. Knowing these details will help you identify the attributes of your content.

Adapt Your Video to The Platform

Videos have different specifications and must be adapted to the platform:


  • Although you are allowed to post long videos, make your business videos not longer than 30 minutes
  • Always include a CTA
  • Create custom thumbnails


  • Consider subtitles
  • You can create videos up to 240 minutes but stick to the shorter versions.


  • Pay attention to his IG’s 60-second time limit and IG stories with a 15-second timeline.
  • Create a seamless clip that keeps viewers engaged with an IG loop that plays the video continuously until the user scrolls down.


  • Use quality captions
  • Limit videos to 20 seconds


  • Post professional videos
  • Limit your videos to 3 seconds to 10 minutes in length


  • Limit videos to 15 seconds
  • Long videos up to 60 seconds should be converted into 15-second clips
  • Use captivating captions

Best Social Media Video Tools for Ecommerce

Videos on social media platforms ensure that your e-commerce brand gains visibility. Use these prevalent and trending video formats that are perfect for your marketing strategy.

About Us Videos

Use your name and logo and tell customers about your brand. Give your brand a face and impress your target customers with your unique story. 

You can make videos on:

  • Behind the scenes
  • Employee close-up
  • Product Making Clips
  • Customer case studies

Product Demos and Reviews

Take close-up shots of your products for videos, and don’t miss an important detail. Showing all the intricacies of your offer can answer all the questions they have in their minds. 

You also must explain the purpose, features, and pricing compared to other products on the market. 

You can include the following:

  • Overview of the product with useful and informative content
  • Tutorials and how-to videos
  • User-Generated testimonials from happy customers

Video Messages from Business Leaders or Stakeholders

People love to hear the story of the founder who conceived the brand. In addition to sales promotion, recruiting new graduates is possible.

You can make:

  • Videos on Announcements regarding the products and services
  • Appreciation videos to depict customers’ loyalty by creating a thank you video
  • Q&A videos to satisfy your information needs
  • Live Videos to interact in real-time
  • Add humanity to your brand and show your corporate culture
  • Product development videos

Explainer Videos

96% of people watched explainer videos to learn about products and services. This type of video is perfect for describing your product or service and eliminating confusion. 

You can use these videos on your websites, social media posts, landing pages, email attachments, and blogs to increase customer engagement and generate more interest.


Social media videos are fun, informative, educational, and shareable, as they can be easily shared across platforms. You can demonstrate your products and services and show how customers use your product. 

Creating videos can bring great benefits to your e-commerce business and get more engagement than any other form of content, so implement video marketing on social media to stay ahead of your competition!

via ©GadgetsBeat.

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